
3 days ago
3 days ago
Yes, I know. A biblical lesson from the Belchers in Bob's Burgers? Seems insane. But, honestly, if we are focused on God and meditating on His word regularly, we should be able to see evidence of Him and His truths everywhere!
All truth and all good gifts are from Him - whether they come from observing creation, our interactions with others, or a simple TV show, we can learn about God from the truth that all of existence can't help but repeat.
In one episode of Bob's Burgers, Bob is upset with his role as "Block Captain" and complains about the whistle he's been given that he feels is useless. His family comes to the whistle's defense saying that whistles serve A LOT of different functions and that Bob needs to stop complaining.
As soon as I saw this, I realized it was a great model for answering the question - what is God's will for my life?
You're probably asking - how?
Find out in this episode!
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
#fatih #religion #spirituality #Christian #Christianity #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #faithful #religious #spiritual #theology #apologetics #BobsBurgers #bobbelcher #lindabelcher #tinabelcher #louisebelcher #genebelcher #bible #biblestudy #TV #tvshow #biblical #fyp #fypyoutube #fypage #godswill #vocation #career #job #jobs #jobsearch #whatshouldido

Friday Mar 21, 2025
Can We/Should We Be Preaching the Gospel to Animals?
Friday Mar 21, 2025
Friday Mar 21, 2025
In Genesis 9, God makes a covenant with, not just Noah but, the animals.
In Genesis 1, God asks mankind to rule over animal kind as Ambassadors in His image with goodness and love.
In Romans 8, Paul says that ALL of creation groans under the weight of the corruption its been subjected to as it longs for the revealing of the sons of God.
In Mark 16, Jesus tells His disciples to preach the Gospel to EVERY CREATURE.
Could any of this inform how we should think about, and treat, animals?
An even WEIRDER thought is - can we/should we be preaching the Gospel to animals?? HOW?!
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
#faith #religion #spirituality #animals #animalkingdom #animal #Creatures #Creation #God #Jesus #JesusChrist #Christ #Father #Son #Gospel #preaching #preachingthegospel #preachthegospel #evangelism #sonsofGod #bible #biblestudy #Genesis #Romans #Mark #Noah #flood #spiritual #Religious #Faithful #hope #love #biblical #holybible #Christian #Christianity

Friday Mar 14, 2025
The One Thing I Do WRONG When Preaching the Gospel
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Friday Mar 14, 2025
A friend of mine told me once that I am like an "Evangelist for frozen mango."
This was about the weirdest comment I've ever received and so I had to ask about it and consider the statement. It's true, I do love frozen mango. It's one of the greatest snacks in the world. It's just something that makes me happy.
When people find this out about me, many are intrigued. It seems like such an odd thing to be happy about. Sure, most people have tried frozen fruit before. There's an appeal. Smoothies are certainly good. But, why is that specific one so great?!
People ask me these questions. They're incredibly curious about this oddity of mine and, when they see me eating frozen mango, 9 times out of 10, they ask to try it to see what the fuss is all about. I've got a pretty good track record when it comes to showing people just how awesome this snack is.
For all of these reasons, evangelist for frozen mango actually seems like a fairly accurate description. But considering this made me realize that my sharing of the Gospel has been lacking something MAJOR. Find out what it is in this week's episode.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
#faith #religion #spirituality #faithful #religious #spiritual #evangelism #evangelistic #evangelist #evangelion #bible #biblical #biblestudy #holybible #frozenmango #mango #fruit #Chrisitan #Christianity #theology #apologetics #Gospel #truth #Gospels #God

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Making the House of God a Home
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
How can I look at the HOUSE of God and feel like it's a HOME?
Every time I look at the sections of Scripture that talk about the House of God, I remember that those verses often look directly at the Temple or Tabernacle structures as foreshadowing God making His home with us.
While the presence of God, is absolutely a thing I love and desire, looking at the physical buildings that were representative of that are a LONG WAY from giving me the warm fuzzies. To me, they've appeared cold and rigid. They seem too regal and austere to actually be a place I'd desire to dwell.
But the Psalmists write so lovingly about these places, not just talking about their beauty, but about how amazing it would be to actually LIVE there like the birds who make nests there do. So, what am I missing?
In this episode, we look through the book of Exodus and the elements God desired to have as a part of His tabernacle (and later the Temple) through the lens of "home," and see just how awesome of a place it actually is.
God doesn't desire to bring you in to live with Him in some stuffy, religious building - He built a home for His people (and is still building a home for His people) and when we see that, we'll want to dwell with Him there all the more.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
#faith #religion #spirituality #Christian #Christianity #faithful #religious #spiritual #Bible #Jesus #Christ #JesusChrist #God #biblical #biblestudy #biblemessage #theology #apologetics #truth #temple #tabernacle #Judaism #Israel #Islam #Moses #Exodus #David #Solomon #secondtemple #solomonstemple #houseofGod #thehouseofGod #symbolism #Psalms #SonsofKorah #Psalmist #Psalm84 #imagery #presenceofGod

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Social Media and Christian Evangelism: John Mark Dyer Interview
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Christian content creator, @johnmarkdyer7 and I had an awesome conversation about Christian evangelism and social media.
The discussion ranged from preaching the Gospel across generations to cultural starting points for sharing your faith.
So many are divided over opinions on Christian social media. How effective is it? Is it watering down the Gospel? Isn't it just a little too performative?
In the midst of all of this, John Mark Dyer has found a niche that tackles genuine topics in a way that communicates transparently and effectively.
Hopefully, this conversation sparks your imagination and encourages you to discover new tactics for sharing your faith life in your communities, workplaces, friend groups, and cultures. Preaching the Gospel is about so much more than the words you say - it's about the life you live that reflects God into the lives of others.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
#socialmedia #instagram #influencer #Christian #Christianity #Christ #Jesus #JesusChrist #Gospel #evangelism #faith #religion #spirituality #theology #apologetics #NewTestament #OldTestament #bible #biblestudy #biblical #instagram #insta #interview #reels #shorts #Christianmedia #media #God #truthbetold #johnmarkdyer #YWAM #Genz #Genx #millenial #boomer

Friday Feb 21, 2025
What's God Got To Say For Himself?
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
When we meet new people we often learn about them through a mix of how we perceive them, what others say about them, and what they communicate to us through their words or actions.
Many times, when considering God, we only consider our own perceptions and what others say about Him. We forget that God inspired and compiled the entire Bible which speaks to us about Him.
Throughout the pages of Scripture, we see a lot of talk about the gods of other nations. These gods reigned over certain geographical locations, people groups, or elements and are known as: "Name of god" god of the "thing they are god over." Example: Poseidon god of the Sea
In the Bible, we get this same pattern repeated for God Most High, but the things that God says about Himself are incredibly unique. Sure, other gods might claim power over elements, events, or various civilizations but OUR God is God OF gods.
When we look at what God says about Himself in the pages of the Bible we should be left amazed at how high above it all He tells us He is. Most often, it shows us that our CONSIDERATION of God, is never high enough.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
The Cultic Message of Jesus
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
For modern Christians who have spent their entire lives studying Scripture, surrounded by Church life, very familiar with the "vibe" of Christianity, it can be very easy to forget that, Jesus said some really strange things.
Without the benefit of 2,000+ years of theological research, amazing Christian lives lived, and acquaintance with the person of Jesus through Scripture, we miss what it might have been like to hear the words Jesus spoke for the very first time. When we strip away our bias, our over-comfortability with the phrasing of the Bible, and imagine what it would be like for someone to encounter Jesus in the first century - we realize that MANY of His words were inflammatory and radical.
We've become so used to using Jesus as a comfort blanket that we lose sight of just of how different a life He calls us to.
Don't get me wrong! Jesus IS and SHOULD BE a comfort to us. But to view His ministry as little more than a combination of cute quotes that make us feel good is to do a disservice to God, ourselves, and the relationship He desires to have with us.
In reality, when we understand how intense Jesus's message was, are appropriately shocked by it, and wrestle with it the way He desires us to wrestle with it - we realize that to accept and believe these words is nothing less than a powerful action of faith.
Lunatics and cult-leaders have used Jesus's radical methods to gain a following. Liars have echoed His words and claimed them about themselves. But it is only the LORD who can say them with no hint of insanity or deceit. Jesus is LORD.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Why Did God Let That Happen To Me?
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Going through difficulties in life, suffering, and facing consequences of sin are difficult parts of life. Painful, harmful, and traumatic circumstances happen to all of us and they can cause us to question God's goodness. Why would God allow me to go through this? Didn't He know it would hurt me?
Eventually, we learn that those situations and circumstances were designed and/or used to teach us good lessons, but it doesn't mean the pain totally goes away. When we experience this kind of scarring or residual pain, it can cause us to double down on our questioning of God. Sure, I understand the difficult circumstances was used to draw me closer to God, but how does this continuation of trauma (which seems to only lead to ongoing doubts) draw me closer?
In this episode, we'll explore the situations of some of the heroes of the faith who must have asked these same questions to try to gain solidarity with them and understand what some purposes might be for the scarring God allows us to experience rather than healing us fully every time.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly

Friday Feb 07, 2025
A Woman Messiah?
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Ok, ok.. before you get all up in arms - No. I'm not saying Jesus was a woman. The term Messiah just means Anointed One, and refers to one who saves Israel.
Many people were smaller versions of Messiah before Jesus appeared, prefiguring in part all that He would accomplish.
Interestingly, in THIS story that we cover from 1 Samuel, it's a woman who steps into that role. However, she isn't saving all of Israel or the entire world, but one man who, unfortunately might prefigure US.
I think it's amazing just how accurately this woman acts out what Christ fully accomplished and I think you will too.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly

Friday Jan 31, 2025
Prepping For Armageddon: The One Thing That MIGHT ACTUALLY Save Your Skin
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
When the world becomes chaotic, Christians flock to the Scriptures to determine read prophecy. We read about end time events and, naturally, have a little fear when we consider that we might have to live through some of it. Some people prepare by saving drinking water, hoarding food, equipping bunkers, and keeping extra batteries on hand.
While there's absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious and prepared for potential rough times ahead, if we're doing all of this BECAUSE of our reading of prophecy, we might be missing the point.
Biblical prophecy is not just a heads up about God's punishment so we can attempt to avoid it. It's way more than just a telling of future events so we can beat the system. Biblical prophecy is given for a purpose, and it isn't for us to worry ourselves over escaping physical difficulty.
If we understand WHY prophecy is given in the Bible and read it accordingly, we might learn the ONE THING that might actually make us more prepared than any amount of stockpiling could do.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TruthBeToldYouTube
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly