Friday Jul 07, 2023
Why Should We Be Honest?
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Honesty is often thought to be relegated to whether or not we tell the truth. However, whether a person is honest or dishonest has so much more to do with overall character and virtue.
While this is all well and good, it does provoke the question, why are we expected to be good, virtuous, morally upright, and honest people? Is it because being an honest person is the least harmful thing to be? Is it because God said so and that should settle the matter?
In this brief episode we get to the bedrock of why God has the expectation for us to be honest people living honest lives.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk Years By MarkJuly
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
God Moves. We Don’t Move Him. We Move TO Him.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Odd title, I know. What kind of study could possible come from the "movement" of God? What does the Bible even have to say about something as obscure as this?
Surprisingly, a lot.
Through this study we'll take a look at Ancient Israel's views on where God is, how He moves, and in what manner He interacts with the physical world to show the slippery slope the human mind can be on when considering the boundlessness of God.
Is there anywhere in your life that you believe God cannot move to? Are there any dark places where you believe God cannot follow? You might have fallen down the same slope that Israel did when they began misunderstanding God's omnipresence and boundless movement.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Music: Acoustic Indie Folk (Years) By MarkJuly
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Anger With God Is Sin. Take Comfort.
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Anger is a natural part of being human. Knowing this, seeing how often anger is prevalent in godly people written about in scripture, and experiencing the mercy of God when we show anger to Him can start to make us feel like anger against God is okay.
However, if we look analytically at the topics of sin, root causes of anger, and God's nature, a clear picture begins to emerge showing how unjustified our frustration with God actually is.
If we gain a clearer understanding of God's goodness, the reasons for our anger, and God's response to well-meaning people who DO experience anger towards Him, we can be greatly encouraged. God is not only provoked to anger in response to our sin, He is also provoked to love and mercy. We cannot forget this but we do so often.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
How Great Is Our God?
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
It is so common to feel lacking and unworthy in the face of our great God. This feeling of uselessness pervades the non-religious world as well, in my view, because they lack belief in God. However, Christians are not immune to situations like this especially when we sin and fall short of the glory of God.
We might begin to ask ourselves- what do I have to offer? What could He possibly want with me?
Maybe we even begin coming up with false scenarios in our heads about how He really doesn't want us but He's fine with us being around if it ends up that way. I speak all of this from personal experience.
The only cure that I've found for this way of thinking, seems so contrary to what we feel would work: consider how great God is. I realize that it is only BECAUSE of how great He is and how insignificant we deem ourselves to be that the problem compounds. But this might mean we're looking at it wrong.
In this study we'll consider several stories of God's awesome power wherein He required nothing from anyone - mankind or otherwise. We'll see how the very fabric of reality bends to His will and just how much He can accomplish and then consider that our free-will in tandem with His complete lack of NEED for us, sheds incredible light on just how much He WANTS us to choose Him.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Study of Love: Love Is Not Puffed Up
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
In this continuation of the study of love, we analyze love not being puffed up. This phrase, on the surface, is relatable since the concept of a prideful person being "filled with hot air" has transcended time.
However, by bringing this characteristic out of the verse to understand it as a concept can help us when we place it back into correct context.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Demystifying Bible Prophecy
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Though I believe this topic is way bigger than can be expressed in a 35 minute episode, I felt it was worth it to discuss bible prophecy in an effort to demystify it for those who hesitate to study it.
Though it's a genre that can be difficult to interpret and read, we shouldn't shy away from it but embrace it as God's word praying that He will lead us into greater understanding as time goes on. If biblical prophecy is a mountain, take it one step at a time and keep the end in mind the entire way up.
The goal of this episode is to give some practical tips on how to read bible prophecy, determine what questions to ask ourselves as we read it, and inspire a refusal to be intimidated by this massive portion of the Scripture.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Why Do The Righteous Suffer?
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
The Bible often asks the question, why do the wicked prosper? We can tend to ask this question too but, many times, what we want to know is: why do the righteous suffer? We can be convinced that it's fine that the wicked prosper as long as it doesn't mean our frustration or misery.
In this message originally given in Columbus, Ohio, we go through the Old and New Testaments to find examples of people who, like us, questioned God's judgement in dealing with both the righteous and the wicked and, hopefully, take away three points.
1. We are not righteous (though Christ's righteousness is ascribed to us).
2. Fortunately, the wicked still have hope.
3. Thankfully, God's ways are not our ways.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Worthy To Wash His Feet
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
The Passover is incredibly rich in meaning connecting both the Old and New Testaments in its symbolism.
This episode briefly explores why modern Christians should continue to observe the Passover and highlights on the symbols of the Passover - the bread and the wine - before diving into the less remembered portion of the evening that Christ and His disciples observed prior to His crucifixion - the foot washing.
In this examination of the foot washing, we also examine ourselves in order to realize just how unworthy we are, not only to have our feet washed by Christ, but even to loose the sandals from His feet.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Christian Women Post This?
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
This episode walks through a post that has been circulating on social media dealing with God's interactions with men and women. Within this post, several premises are listed that seem scripturally based but offer more eisegesis than exegesis. The claims center around the idea that men in the Bible ascended up mountains to commune with God while He meets women where they are to accommodate their day to day lives. Through this study we should learn good methods for questioning everything against the backdrop of scripture and find the points where this post sounds good, but falls short of biblical truth.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
The Kubik Report Interview: Fundamentals of Apologetics
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
This is the first interview I've been a part of where I'm not the one conducting the interview. It was a privilege to be able to speak to the former president of the United Church of God, and my good friend, Victor Kubik on the topic of apologetics. I hope this episode going over some of the fundamentals is beneficial and might inspire you to look into the study yourself. Apologetics is a fantastic tool for any Christian to keep on hand.
Email: truthbetoldbiblepodcast@gmail.com
Music: Pop-Rock Beautiful By Twisterium
Logo: Matt Hernandez